change the background color of the 3DE sandbox?

Hi, how do I change the background color of the 3DE sandbox? Black text on a dark grey background hurts my eyes.

The grey background color is coming from the background color in the scene, which defaults to black. If you’d like the background to be lighter, then change the background in the scene. To do that, find the line that sets the renderer, which should look like:

   var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({antialias: true});

Right below that, set the background color (which is called the “clear” color) with something like:

   var renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({antialias: true});

You’ll have to do that for each new project that you start. For some projects that really need black backgrounds (like the space ones), you’ll have to remember to change that back to black when you’re done.


Grand, thank you very much.