Code Editor is not working

The Code editor is not working with Chrome. Is there a problem?

It is still working in Chrome version 101.

It’s possible that you have a bit of code locking things up. Have you tried following the steps in the “Recovering When 3DE Is Broken” section of chapter 2?


I have tried every thing from chapter 2. Nothing is showing ctr shift j shows the console I clear all but the program/site is not loading.
Help Please

The next step would be to share your code. If you put 3DE into edit-only mode as described in Chatper 2 (that is, visit, then share your code here.

Sharing code in the forum is a touch tricky. The easiest way is by using the Share link from the 3DE menu. If you prefer to copy & paste your code in the forum, that’s OK too, but be sure to paste it between 3 backtick lines:

Explain how your code is misbehaving...

// Paste your code here

Include any more information that you like here...

Sorry for the trouble – we’ll get it working!


The site is not even opening for me to access my codes.
Please advise.

Yikes! It looks like a hosting error was preventing 3DE from starting up properly. Sincere apologies for that – I’ve never had that problem occur before, but it stinks that it started right when you were trying to troubleshoot.

Anyway, the problem is now resolved. Try again to access and share what you see there.
