My Gap won't render!

Idk why its not working, pls help me

Very sorry for the delayed reply!

The gap loop is in the wrong place. Right now it is above the noise loop:

function addGround() {
  var faces = 99;
  var shape = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(10, 20, faces, faces);
  for(var j=50; j<numVertices; j+=100) {
  shape.vertices[j].z = -1;
  var numVertices = shape.vertices.length;
  var noiseMaker = new SimplexNoise();
  for(var i=0; i<numVertices; i++) {
    var vertex = shape.vertices[i];
    var noise = 0.25 * noiseMaker.noise(vertex.x, vertex.y);
    vertex.z = noise;
  // more code here...

Instead, it needs to go below the noise loop (and above the compute method calls):

function addGround() {
  var faces = 99;
  var shape = new THREE.PlaneGeometry(10, 20, faces, faces);
  var numVertices = shape.vertices.length;
  var noiseMaker = new SimplexNoise();
  for(var i=0; i<numVertices; i++) {
    var vertex = shape.vertices[i];
    var noise = 0.25 * noiseMaker.noise(vertex.x, vertex.y);
    vertex.z = noise;
  for(var j=50; j<numVertices; j+=100) {
    shape.vertices[j].z = -1;

  // more code here...

That should get the gap in place. Sorry again for the slowness of my reply!


No problem because of the Reply, now the code works. Thx