Problem with moving the avatar in chapter 14


I have a problem with the code in chapter 14.
I can’t move the fruit monster with the arrow-buttons on my computer. If I press left/right, the avatar will look in the correct direction but he don’t move. That’s my code until now:

Thanks for helping.

You have everything perfect, except for one tiny thing. In the addAvatar() function on line 52, you need to give it a mass of 1 by adding it after the shape and the cover:

  var avatar = new Physijs.BoxMesh(shape, cover, 1);

Without that, the physics engine decides how heavy the object is based on its size. Since the avatar is 100 x 100 x 1, the physics engine thinks its mass is 10,000 – pretty heavy. That is too heavy for the move() function to actually move the avatar, which is what you saw.


Thanks for your reply. Now the code works.